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Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship 2024 Students Update

Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship 2024 Students Update

The Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate

The Jardine Foundation offers scholarships to exceptionally talented Indonesian students seeking postgraduate studies at the prestigious University of Oxford or Cambridge. To be eligible, applicants must have completed their undergraduate studies at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). The scholarships cover tuition fees and living expenses, enabling scholars to pursue advanced degrees at top-tier UK institutions.

Scholarship Benefits

The scholarship will cover the expenses related to tuition fees, accommodation, living costs, as well as travel costs to and from the chosen  educational institution at the beginning and end of the course.

Eligible Countries

Citizen of Indonesia.

Admission Criteria

In order to qualify for the scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

ITB must recommend them to the Foundation. They must attain the necessary academic qualifications for admission to either of the Universities, be in good health, and demonstrate a satisfactory level of English proficiency.


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  • University of Queensland Scholarship
  • ACU International Student Scholarships

Language Requirement

Sure! Here’s the sentence without passive voice:

Candidates must present proof of their proficiency in both written and spoken English language abilities.

Documents Required

As part of their application, prospective candidates must provide the following documents

1. Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Résumé.

2. Letter(s) of recommendation.

3. A recent passport-size photograph.

4. Certified copies of all pertinent academic certificates.

5. Certificate of English proficiency. Please refer to your preferred university for specific English proficiency requirements, including the required score and type of assessment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Jardine Scholarship Benefit?

The Scholarship includes university tuition fees paid directly to the University; college fees excluding board and lodging paid directly to the College; and an annual stipend to cover board and lodging and all other incidental expenses.

Which Country is Easiest to Get a Scholarship?

Germany, followed by France, offers the easiest opportunities to get scholarships.

What is the Hardest Type of Scholarship to Get?

An athletic scholarship may cover some or all of your tuition costs, depending on the school. Athletic scholarships are some of the hardest to receive.

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